Free 30-Minute Coaching Call

A no-obligation way to explore if coaching is right for you

Why I Offer a Free Coaching Call

A Note from Jim Chandler

My heart and passion is to partner with church leaders like you to grow their leadership and their ministry to the next level. My personal experience - both as a pastor working with a coach, and now as a coach of pastors - is that effective coaching is one of the best ways to experience transformational growth. I believe this to my core: intentional focus leads to transformational outcomes.

That said, not every coach--and not every coaching approach--is right for every leader. That is exactly why I decided to offer this free exploratory coaching call.

In this 30-minute call, we will focus on your unique ministry setting, vision, and goals, and we will explore if the coaching approach of 360intentionality is right for you.

There will be no high-pressure sales talk and there is truly no obligation. I would love for us to work together, but only if we both believe that our partnering would help you grow your leadership and ministry.

Simply sign up below and you will receive an email with the info needed to schedule a time that works for you and your busy calendar.

I look forward to talking with you soon.


Jim Chandler, 360intentionality

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